March 06, 2010


hair's still half orange. the other half is pale enough for the toner, but I don't know what to do. I'll sleep on it, and tomorrow my thoughts will surely be clearer. right now, I've lost my appetite, I still have to shower and I'm supposed to dj in a couple of hours.

March 04, 2010

just sleep

going to bed in a short while, even if today was quite relaxed as a day, I'm yawning nonstop.
the past days have been relatively uneventful. or, to put it better, some things happened, but I don't want to talk about them on the internet.
things change, don't they? once upon a time, there was this thing called weblog where you could put your heart on your sleeve and talk about your most personal stuff. it was all about what you were, now it's all about what you do. music blogs, fashion blogs, diy blogs, vintage blogs.. photography blogs.
social networks have indeed killed the 'old' blogs.
and we are growing up.

operation blondie is still going strong. my hair is currently a nice shade of banana yellow and apricot orange, hopefully tomorrow the orange will be bleached out and I'll finally be able to put on the toner. fingers crossed for the toner to work by the way, I was torn between two shades of pale cool blonde but I thought that, for the first toning, I'd have less trouble with something more ashy and less violet-y (what if I leave it on too long? lavender hair big fest).. even though I'm sort of regretting it now because the shade I didn't buy looks really, really white. and I eventually want white hair.
well, wish me luck.